Business Logic and Data Separation in WPF / Silverlight

Wednesday June 17th, 2009 @ 12:00 AM
Jared Bienz
Lone Star College - Montgomery

Starting with a short history on familiar patterns like MVC and MVP, we’ll quickly move on to a discussion of Model-View-ViewModel (M-V-VM). This chalk talk will cover the use of WPF / Silverlight features like data binding, validation and commands to isolate business logic from UI design. We’ll wrap up with a short demonstration of these patterns applied.

Jared Bienz

Jared Bienz is an ISV Architect Advisor with Microsoft, which means he helps companies who write software understand and leverage Microsoft technologies. Jared has been a professional in the software industry since 1995. He’s worked on a wide range of technologies including IP Telephony, Mobile, Web, Composite and Rich Clients. He’s particularly interested in client and UX technologies like WCF, XNA, WPF and Silverlight.

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