Hyper-V for Developers

Wednesday March 19th, 2014 @ 12:00 AM
J Sawyer
Lone Star College - Montgomery

You’ve probably heard all the hub-bub about virtualization and Hyper-V but all it’s all been focused on infrastructure and networking types. But developers can – and should - leverage virtualization technologies as well. In this session, we’ll start with a quick overview of virtualization and what Hyper-V is and then we’ll get into some details on how to set up virtual machines, networks and disks. We’ll also look tips and tricks to use this technology more effectively, such as virtual machine checkpoints/snapshots, sysprep and sharing wireless connections with Hyper-V VMs. You’ll walk away with a better understanding of sometimes mysterious configuration and settings options and armed with the know-how to begin building your own virtual machine empire!

J Sawyer

J is a Senior Architect for Hitachi Consulting based in Houston, TX who loves to write code and build cool, innovative solutions to hard problems. When not coding, J likes to hang out with his family, play with his computers and ride his Kawasaki Concours 14. But he doesn’t code and ride at the same time. That would be bad.

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