About RevDeBug

Have you ever wondered how to make debugging simpler, less demanding, even fun? The solution already exists! RevDeBug, a Visual Studio extension, offers 6 great features to make a developer’s life easier. Minutes spent to learn how to use RevDeBug can save many long hours!

  • Value Prompts - See values right in your code during debugging. No more writing everything into the watch.
  • Monitoring - Monitor every deployment for errors and exceptions. Replay your users’ bugs and cut down on manual testing and rollbacks.
  • Profiling - Monitor your application for errors and performance bottlenecks with ease – even on production!
  • Time Machine - On every recording go back and forth in time, infinitely – no time or steps limit!
  • Session recording - Record logs from debugging sessions locally and remotely, including live (production) environments.
  • Save and share - Share your recordings and save them for later use by others.

More information about RevDeBug.